Designer for Hire

Dear Tucson…

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We link up with Rachel Miller’s Love Letters to Tucson blog for a letter from a Tucson inhabitant about why they love this fair city. This week: painter Liz Vaughn, whose work is currently exhibiting at Hotel Congress, writes Tucson a love poem. Photos of Liz by Rachel Miller


Painter Liz Vaughn, whose work is currently on display in the lobby of Hotel Congress.


you have me in your rare and glorious arms
You melt the sky from the break of dawn
illuminating the highest peaks at dusk
You cannot quench the thirst in my heart
nor bleach the pigment from my soul
Spring tufts of cottonwood cool my feet
all the while bathing my senses in sweet creosote
Tall white crowns grace our Lady of Saguaro
casting shadows long and dark
yet echoing a glorious melody
Clouds like gentle furious giants
spinning tornados on a cerulean summer day
A wisp – a hint of cool breeze
Your life – broad and sweeping
the last vestige of a journey
Absent the sign of fall, yet a subtle transition in light
soft and warm the desolation ebbs
flooding the night with shooting stars
Tucson, I lie at your feet,
Exposed yet comforted
Unknown yet familiar
Mi Corazon. Mi Tucson

Your ever faithful painter,

Liz Vaughn


Rachel caught up with Liz at the Cupids: Champagne and Chocol’Art event at DesignLines, where Liz was sharing a collection of her fabulous work. You can find out more about Liz and her beautiful paintings on her website.  

* Liz Vaughn’s work is part of Art in the Lobby at Hotel Congress, which runs until April 1st.

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