Comments on: The F Word
desert cool urban hotSat, 13 Feb 2016 19:47:50 +0000hourly1 Rachel
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 00:55:27 +0000 Jes and 3rd Story! Thank you for being here in glorious Tucson and speaking up for all of us who don’t fit the “A&F” concept of beautiful.
]]>By: Jes The Militant Baker
Wed, 29 May 2013 04:52:21 +0000, it’s Jes The Militant Baker here! I wanted to make sure to clarify something written in this article so that it’s not taken out of context. The mentioning of my “preference of men” seems to be absolute and exclusionary. This is not necessarily the case. When looking at the physical aspect only, I am attracted to many traits and when I’m looking at a whole person… we’ll physical characteristics fall by the wayside. I think we all have “preferences” and those can morph and change depending on our circumstances and the other person. The only reason that I mention this is to acknowledge that everyone is someone’s cup of tea. Beauty is ubiquitous and I see it all around me. Love what you’ve got. Others do too.