Comments on: Can fat guys be sexy? (Hell yeah)
desert cool urban hotSat, 13 Feb 2016 19:47:50 +0000hourly1 amy
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 16:38:37 +0000 am married to a big guy and yes they can be sexy but I don’t like calling them fat guys. I think that is the wrong wording. we don’t call them fat women we call the big and beautiful.
]]>By: Jennell Meadows
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:59:19 +0000! I think being a big woman I go through a lot especially when I’ve gotten to that point in life where I have an amazing lil son that I’ve always wanted but now I just want a man who treats us right and someone I can love and be loved back just as much and someone I can grow old with
]]>By: stina
Wed, 10 Jun 2015 14:33:03 +0000’ve got a few fat male friends, and even though I know intellectually that men can have body image issues, it never occurred to me that my friends might too. They always seem to project this “IDGAF” jolly attitude–but then again, that’s the attitude that men HAVE to project in order to get along in our culture, isn’t it. You’ve given me food for thought. Thank you.
]]>By: Ben Kessler
Thu, 04 Jun 2015 19:24:58 +0000 I’ve said to male and female friends who self-identify as fat “no you’re not,” if they don’t just say “thanks,” they usually reply with a variation of “it’s what I think of myself that I’m struggling against.” And it took me a bit to realize that reflects my issue too.
I was skinny in high school, but I got fat as soon as I went to college and have tried to lose that weight for nearly 20 years. I wasn’t bullied for being fat, so I don’t have to overcome that particular challenge, but I still get filled with self-loathing when I look in the mirror. And though it’s my self-perception that causes that, my mind tricks me into believing it’s what others think of me too (and some of them do, naturally), but my challenge is to get to the point Jesse did and not give a fuck about what they think (including whether my issue is real or not) so I can work on what I think. Thanks for letting us know it’s possible, Jesse.
]]>By: Shawn McIff
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 19:03:32 +0000 appreciate the candor with which the dichotomy of self-esteem and insecurity is addressed, and I agree that it is very important to note that relative amounts of social acceptability do not negate what can still be very real stigma.